Design Principles

Keeping your message to a maximum of 7 words, if possible. We like to work with our clients to come up with fun and catchy phraseology to help stand out from the competition.
We typically recommend being on a static billboard over a digital billboard. See Static vs. Digital billboards below.
Bright background colors with bold fonts and images.
Utilizing a phone number or website URL. We offer trackable 1-800 numbers and assist with unique URLs for increased trackability and measurement of your advertising campaign.
  • Static Billboards

    In this application, the advertisement will be on the billboard throughout the entire campaign – there will be no competing advertisers.

    Traditionally, static billboards are 14ft x 48ft but there are other sizes available. Static billboards in all sizes may be found on freeway and off freeway locations.

    Advertisers will have to purchase the vinyl that will wrap the billboard with their printed advertisement.

    Static billboards are lit from dusk until 11 PM.

  • Digital Billboards

    In this application, the advertisement will be sharing billboard space with other advertisers.

    Digital billboards are usually 14ft x 48ft but there are also poster-size versions of digital billboards. The larger sized ones are almost exclusively on freeways, the smaller billboards are generally off freeways.

    Typically, an advertiser’s message will appear for 8-10 seconds once per minute throughout the time the billboard is lit. For additional costs, advertisers can be active on the billboard more often.

    Digital billboards are active from dawn until 11PM.There is no cost for production on digital billboards.

    Advertiser’s may change their messaging as often as they like by simply uploading new images.

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